Pioneer Girl is out!

Without further delay…PIONEER GIRL is here! (…and it’s Annotated…) Let the rousing discussions, debates, and reactions of knee-jerk-disbelief begin!

The Pioneer Girl Project

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThank you to everyone who pre-ordered Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography from the South Dakota Historical Society Press. We are glad to say that the books will be arriving on your doorsteps in the next few days.

On Friday, November 14, the long-awaited Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography made it safely to our warehouse. As pallets of boxes were brought off the semitrailer, sod-house-like structures began to form and Press staffers Lisa Nold and Rodger Hartley quickly lost their sense of time and place.

However, they soon gathered themselves in preparation for the big sendoff beginning DSCF0259November 17.  That Monday, as if jolly ol’ Saint Nick himself were looking over our shoulders, box upon box was packed with care to be sent off across North America. The project of packing pallets to be shipped to our national and international distributors and bookstores had also begun. Boxes were hauled from one…

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2 comments on “Pioneer Girl is out!

  1. audreysnyder56 says:

    when they talked about finishing this book It was said the book would be $14.95 Now their saying $35.00 I think I’ll wait until the price comes down some.


    • Melanie says:

      Do you remember where you saw that? It sounds far too low for this kind of a publication. Small presses usually can’t publish cheaply, and this is a very niche book, so it is a much smaller run than what you’d see for a trade novel. In addition, it is hardcover and over 400 pages, so production costs are higher to begin with. My guess is that it is unlikely to go down in price unless it sells so well that they go for a paperback edition at a later date. Otherwise, you’d have to wait for used copies or e-book if they ever choose to go that route. It is rare to see any first-edition hardcover for less than about $35, so this is right in line with what I’d expect for this sort of project.

      You can, of course, request that your local library acquire it for their collection. I have heard from quite a few people who are doing that and many others who are requesting the library acquire it in addition to buying one for their own LIW collection.


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