In the Kitchen With Laura Project February 2014

Here is a wonderful tutorial about the parts and use of a late 19th century cookstove, by my friend Sarah Utoff. Sarah is a librarian, historian, interpreter, blogger, and the owner of Trundlebed Tales. She has been presenting about living history, one-room schoolhouses, and Laura Ingalls Wilder for many years, and she is currently the acting President of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Legacy and Research Association.

Sarah's Notebook

This the second in my series of monthly projects that I hope will get you excited about In the Kitchen With Laura. I want to thank my friend Susan Odom of Hillside Homestead (a 19th century immersion  experience bed and breakfast in Michigan) for the use of the photos I edited in this post. Most kitchens are organized so it’s hard to get a nice clear shot of the stove, but luckily hers isn’t. Odom gave me this additional information about her stove: “It is a Round Oak Range by the Round Oak Company of Dowagiac, Michigan. It is the style R9-20. and it was manufactured likely in 1908 or 1909. I don’t know what the R stands for, but the 9 is for the burner plants that are 9 inches in a diameter and the oven is 20 wide. and another there is a cool musem in Dowagiac that…

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